This year two EES sessions were fully dedicated to Ukraine. The session ‘Personal resilience and synergies of Ukrainian evaluators: Finding possible solutions in impossible situations’ was organized by Ukrainian Evaluation Association and gathered together Ukrainian evaluators and their supporters from different countries. The session was chaired by Dr. Olga Mrinska, Associate Director and Senior Evaluator at the Independent Evaluation Department, EBRD.
The session was built around personal stories of Ukrainian evaluators who over the last two years found solutions to continue their professional evaluation activities in new circumstances, including through harnessing new partnerships with European colleagues to strengthen capacities and facilitate mutual learning. It explored different ways of strengthening evaluation capacities, building personal resilience, and facilitating professional synergies while responding to extreme crisis situations.
More details could be found here:
Another session "Synergies and Impact: Evaluating International Response to War on Ukraine” was organized by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and chaired by Dr. Olha Krasovska, Board Member of the European Evaluation Association.
The objective of the session was to stocktake the evaluative evidence that has emerged in the last several years with regard to responding to systemic humanitarian, economic, and social crisis in Ukraine caused by Russian war of aggression, to discuss the design of the recently launched evaluations, and to investigate the ways in which inter-institutional co-ordination can enhance the usability of this evidence.
Olga Mrinska, EBRD, “Learning for action from real-time evaluation (RTE) of EBRD’s response to the war on Ukraine and from previous relevant evaluations”.
Javier Fabra-Mata, NORAD, Insights from “Real-time evaluation of the civilian component of Norway’s Nansen Support Programme for Ukraine”.
Vincent Coppens, and Theo Mercadal, ADE, Insights from evaluation commissioned by one of the humanitarian agencies in Ukraine.
Stefan Leiderer, Deval, “Strategic evaluation of Germany’s support to Ukraine”.