Members of the UEA

Andriy Derkach
Pulse project, regional consultant on legal issues in the Ivano-Frankivsk region

Dmytro Kondratenko
International Charitable Foundation "Caritas of Ukraine", project monitoring and evaluation manager

Kateryna Korenkova

Tetiana Krуvosheia
Head of the Sociological Projects NGO Promotion of Intercultural Cooperation (PIC)

Dmytro Lukin
NGO Center for Scientific Research of Mobility and Growth, head of the organization

Oleg Mazuryk
Kyiv National University named after T. Shevchenko, M&E teacher, independent specialist in policy, program and project evaluation

Iryna Miniailo
Consultant on monitoring and evaluation, sociological research (with focus on qualitative methods)

Iryna Negreeva
Independent consultant for project management, project monitoring and evaluation

Larysa Pylgun
Independent specialist in evaluating policies, programs, strategies and projects, trainer, coach

Mykhailo Savva
Independent evaluation specialist, Chairman of the Board of the NGO "Expert Group SOVA"

Viacheslav Sorokovskyi

Roman Pavlyuk
Kyiv University named after Borys Hrinchenko, deputy director for scientific, methodical and educational work

Olga Shved
Kyiv University named after Borysa Grinchenko, M&E teacher at the Institute of Humanity (Technology of social project design, Design technology in social work and Management of social projects)

Natalia Klishevich
Kyiv University named after Borys Grinchenko, Director of the Institute of Humanity

Alina Dulia
Kyiv University named after Borys Hrinchenko, teacher of the department of social pedagogy and social work of the Institute of Humanity

Svitlana Sapiga
Kyiv University named after Borysa Grinchenko, senior lecturer of the department of social pedagogy and social work of the Institute of Humanity

Viktor Dykhanovsky
Central Scientific Research Institute of Weapons and Military Equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, leading researcher

Yaroslava Kolobova
Kyiv city center of social services for family, children and youth, director

Olga Krasovska
Independent monitoring and evaluation expert, regional development and SME policy expert

Iryna Kravchuk
MEL Consultant and trainer, Board Member/Co-founder of Ukrainian Evaluation Association

Nataliia Lukashenko

Artem Myroshnychenko
USAID Project "Municipal Energy Reform in Ukraine", monitoring and evaluation specialist

Tetiana Narchynska

Olena Pavlenko
Prof.Dr.hab, UNDP Expert on education; expert in evaluating; certified mediator&international trainer

Antonina Rishko-Porcescu

Kateryna Koenig (Fedorchenko)
Minitoring and evaluation expert, SURGe project (Support to Ukraine’s Reforms for Governance), Alinea International, Canada

Iryna Sklyarova
International Charitable Foundation "Caritas of Ukraine", specialist in monitoring and evaluation

Inna Khovrak
Expert in CSR, sustainable development and non-financial reporting. M&E specialist

Tatyana Lyakh
Kyiv University named after Borysa Grinchenko, head of the department of social pedagogy and social work of the Institute of Humanity, guarantor of the educational program "Monitoring and evaluation of social programs"

Tetiana Spirina
Teacher at the master's program "Monitoring and evaluation of social programs", associate professor of the department of social pedagogy and social work at the Institute of Humanity of Kyiv University named after Boris Grinchenko

Vadim Sulitskyi
Kyiv University named after Borys Grinchenko, the Institute of Humanity, associate professor of the department of social pedagogy and social work

Marina Leholetova
Kyiv University named after Borys Grinchenko, senior teacher of the faculty of social pedagogy and social work at the Institute of Humanity, member of the group for ensuring the educational program "Monitoring and evaluation of social programs"

Vadim Lutyy
Kyiv University named after Boris Grinchenko, associate professor of the department of social pedagogy and social work of the Institute of Man